First glance at Hatred: feel my hatred

► Yaroslav Zelinsky – a walking refutation of stereotypes about subtile computer scientists.

On the logo of the freshly baked Polish studio Destructive Creations symbolically depicted a mushroom -shaped cloud. It became symbolic immediately after the release of the debut trailer Hatred. The reaction of the public turned out to be like a nuclear explosion, and a small modest team of developers instantly found himself in the epicenter of the next disputes about cruelty in video games.

The non -core press brought down a flurry of criticism to the team (even Forbes did not stand aside), and the mailbox of the developers literally bombarded angry accusations, calls immediately stop this sacrilege … and enthusiastic reviews of many players.

What the game deserved such attention? And does it really end in the line of the permitted? We talked with the founder of the studio Yaroslav Zelinsky and brought together everything that is known today about the project.

Maniac maniac strive

“My name is not important. It is only important that I intend to do. I hate this vile world and vile people with all my heart, like the worms of feasting on its corpse … ” – the figure in a black leather cloak is lamenting, slowly rechargeing the machine gun.

► sexual and racial affiliation of victims are generated randomly. No discrimination, no inequality.

Around – a typical lair of a serial maniac, who does not care that the flowers on the windowsill have long been wrapped and turned into dust, and the walls are all in mold and covered with web. The main thing here is a table with full clips, fragmentation grenades and a Bowie knife (with a characteristic form of the blade). “My turn has come to kill. And my turn to die ” – with these words, a big man with dirty black patles goes outside and opens fire to defeat. For all who accidentally found themselves in sight.

Older players will surely remember an isometric action movie Postal. This game did not have so much in common with its famous continuation: there was no irony or satire in it. And there HeySpin sister sites was a provincial schizophrenic who heard a vote in his head and went to abuse the second correction to the American constitution, cynically commenting on the work of his hands. The game was completely devoted to massacres without a goal and meaning.

► At later stages, not only police officers, but also military will begin to hunt for an antagonist.

And now she has a worthy successor. The developers admitted that Postal became for them the main icon and a source of inspiration. It is also similar to mechanics: we will be in the isometric perspective to look at the lawlessness that the main … character arranges. The developers deliberately left him with the nameless.

Walking around New York, a maniac without a twinge of conscience shoots cops and random passers-by who fell under a hot hand. The defeated victim, which still gives signs of life, he finishes cruelly and with a special relish – the Unreal Engine 4 engine allows you to create monstrous, but incredibly spectacular cruelty. Anticipating brutal “fatalics”, the camera takes a profitable angle so that you can better see the horror in the eyes of the doomed and imbued with prayers for mercy. But everything is in vain, and we know for sure that after a moment a cold -blooded shot from a shotgun in the back of the head will break off the cry of the victim.

► Initially, the multiplayer will not be. However, the developers do not exclude that they can add it with the update.

The nearest landmark is a series Manhunt and there are there serial killers. But if in what they did, there was an ingenuity and desire to “play the public”, then here we are dealing with a monster of a different order. All actions of the villain are cold -blooded, performed contempt and hatred. He puts the muzzle of a gun in her mouth with a look as if he brings slippers over a disgusting cockroach. Immediately recall The Punisher, True, the local “punisher” hates and kills exclusively criminals, and the local “Chikatilo” – almost all without exception.

Hatred embodied

And this is the whole salt of the game. Yaroslav Zelinsky admits: “I have long wanted to do something like Postal , but darker, deeper and more serious ". For now Hatred at a very early stage of development, but the declared program is visible now. Destructive Creates stylized the game for "City of Sins". The world is drawn in a black and white palette, with rare interspersed colors: a blue siren of a police car, a scarlet neon sign, yellow flame gradients, dark-bearded blood spray ..

Moreover, everything is highly plausible. If in Postal The main character and his victims looked ridiculous and caricatured, then in Hatred Violence is extremely realistic.

Zelinsky not without pride notes that some players inspired by a debut video even send them their ideas of bloody executions, which, in their opinion, need to be realized in the game. However, the developers will not miss anything like this. After all, torture is a too personal thing. Even intimate.

► We are promised more than fifteen varieties of weapons, not counting modifications, and sixty ways to express their hatred, using Molotov cocktails, dynamite, axes and other specialists of the killer.

And the antagonist does not feel personal hatred of any of his victims. He hates everyone in a skew and the same. People for him are a faceless crowd intended for slaughter, and it makes no sense to waste time, aggravated by anyone's suffering. Although you can still burn the victim alive. The developer justifies this by the fact that they managed to write down too realistic cries of burning alive – a sin not to use such material in the game.

But most of all he is proud of the honesty of his game. Murders in Hatred They will not become a hypocritical attraction or a means to achieve the highest goal, like the salvation of the world. No imaginary justification for your actions: if you start Hatred , So you are ready to feel like a killer, and only a killer. Without looking away, Zelinsky asks: not for the sake of this we play the action, if we speak honestly?

Hatred – a kind of rebellious reaction to modern trends imposing unwlinking censorship to developers. “I hope we show what we counted on: what we can make any game that we want, not paying attention to all these fighters for social justice. After all, while the contents of our game do not violate the laws, they only have to bite the elbows, ”the head of the studio mumbled.

The public reaction of the public to one short trailer once again proves how the developers were wearing from this freedom. In the end, Hatred Not only does not contain anything illegal, but in fact it remains within the framework of what we are used to seeing in other militants. It is enough to replace the models of citizens with terrorists, and critics Hatred will be satisfied. After all, then we do not cut the throat of a person, but simply fight for the world around the world, is it not true?

► Body can be used as a living shield.

Moreover, Hatred does not even claim the title of the most cruel game in history. If you remember, in BIOSHOCK We were allowed to kill girls for the sake of experience, in Deus Ex no one prevented the child to burn the child with flamethrower, and in the first Fallout For detubacy, they even awarded a special reputation with an ironic description.

IN Hatred There is nothing like this and will not appear. Zelinsky explains this by the fact that the children are innocent. The main character is also of the same opinion: the children did not have time to commit acts for which they should be hated and despised. About the same reason cannot be killed by animals, because they do not deserve hatred.

Without a name and biography, the antagonist remains a person, with his character, emotions and very specific morality. This is not an insensitive sociopath, but rather a radical misanthrope.

And the developer finds this especially funny: in fact, there is nothing unprecedented in the project. She only focuses on what people usually amuse themselves in any other game with the open world from GTA to Skyrim, Having received complete permissiveness. “We know who we work for: for an ordinary person who came home after a long, tiring, even filthy working day. He just wants to relax and release steam, destroying the level of all its inhabitants – and we give such an opportunity ".

It seems that I have been here

► people who are now working on Hatred , Previously engaged Necrovision And Painkiller: Hell & Damnation. And this is perhaps the only thing that makes you worry about the quality of the new game.

However, sooner or later hopeless Mochilovo will tire of any. And at this moment the game should offer something more than another hundred walking targets – history. The creators assured that they also have everything with this: there is a non -linear plot and side missions, in search of which they will have to rummage the town.

By the way, many nooks will turn out to be recognizable. Levels construct, among other things, in the photograph of real places – however, which ones do not say. Seven thematic zones promise to be quite extensive, and the developers plan to add vehicles for fast movement along the "sandbox".

And they also boast of a nonlinear structure of levels. In other words, the character’s death during the mission will not lead to the fact that you will have to repeat the same actions monotonously. “I personally passed our first level about a hundred times, but each time it was a unique experience, and I was interested in”. However, its creation always seems unique. And where is the truth in his words, and where the dreams of a creative person, we will find out not earlier than the middle of the next year.

* * *

Hatred – concentrate of why people generally launch games of the series GTA and other militants. Only here you will play a mass killer in isolation from criminal tragicomedy, salvation of the world and any other far -fetched reasons. You will manage just a sadist who thirsty to kill more people before killing him.

Success factors
Risk factors
  • discouraging honest simulator of a mass killer;
  • bet on the plausibility of what is happening;
  • the ability to lower steam after a difficult day;
  • Given the ideology of the game, I wonder what plot they will be screwed to it.
  • The game may be monotonous;
  • The track record of developers does not inspire optimism.

We will wait?

The first mass killer simulator for a long time, which is not masked. If you need an excuse for a virtual massacre, just pass by.