Star Wars: The Old Republic: The Last News with Tatuin

Developers of the company BioWare They climb out of the skin in order to surprise everyone and all their first, megambit mmorpg. We are regularly supplied with new details about Star Wars: The Old Republic. Publisher Electronic Arts invested a lot of money in the project, and at the recently ripe exhibition E3 Journalists showed exactly where the millions of dollars go. "Gambling XP" recalls what we were told about the game before, and shares new observations.

The plot is our everything

BioWare is well aware of how to make a single campaign that will tighten the player with the head to the final credits. It is believed that other laws work in MMORPG. However, the developers do not want to turn off from the usual course. The main method of pumping will be precisely the passage of class strokes. Of course, the murder of monsters and PVP transfers also bring experience, but so it is more difficult and boring to pump the character. These Star Wars: The Old Republic and stands out from the crowd. Each class will receive its own plot campaign, in drama and intensity of passions not inferior to the best single games. It is understandable – 12 scriptwriters work daily on the plot, perfectly versed in the features of the Universe of the Star Wars of the Universe.

Two -clill light swords are available only to one class in the Sith and one in the Jedi.

Up to the 10th level, we study the basics of gameplay (which, as can be seen from the shown rollers, is largely similar to the other MMO), and then select one of two subclasses. This choice will determine what role we will play in the group. Each subclass has two tree wood and one commons for the whole class. This will make it possible to diversify the development process of the character and quite subtly configure the battle style. Such an important decorative element as the color of the light sword crystal is not forgotten. We are promised an unprecedented number of different shades.

The next important point is dialogs. Judging by the material presented at the exhibition, the idea remained unchanged. Familiar to us in the series Mass Effect dialog box, as before, in its place. During the conversation in the group, each participant gives his own version of the answer, and one of them is randomly selected. This approach seems somewhat illogical, but apparently nothing is better yet invented.

The fire power of the republican paratroopers in all its glory.

The moral system (accrual of glasses of the bright and dark side) was quite poorly disclosed, and almost nothing new we learned about it. It remains to be content with the existing information that these glasses can be spent on receiving some items and titles.

But what is perfectly felt now – the atmosphere of the world of "Star Wars". Huge forces were thrown to recreate, which cannot but rejoice. The sound is especially good. Quests are accompanied by recognizable melodies, dynamically changing depending on the situation in the game. And the corporate party "piu-piu" has not gone anywhere. All these blasters, light swords, jetpacks and squeaking droids give the originality a rather standard gameplay for MMO.

Speeders are far from the only stated vehicle.

Exit to orbit

"Star Wars" would not be "stellar wars" without space battles and hyperspace jumps. BioWare understand this perfectly. We are promised to present for research a whole universe. Moving in the plot between different worlds, we can always go back in order to help our friends or just to strop. We will travel on our own ship. Crafts passes there.

A star map will be located in the cabin of the ship, with which you can transfer to the desired system. Those who played in Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic Or Mass Effect, they will immediately understand where the idea of ​​"legs grow" from where. In addition, on the ship we will always be able to chat with team members, give out tasks, and just put our affairs in order. It is noteworthy that in this private space you can invite friends.

Companion-DEDs are very popular in the Universe of Star Wars.

Flights were again shown on E3. How great it is to steer with your ship! Star Wars: The Old Republic is not trying to pretend to be hardcore cosmosim, offering more funny shooters in the spirit Rogue Squadron. We are promised drive and action, which is very good, because you will probably want to relax from running around the planets.

Craft on the ship passes quite unusual. Having given the task in the evening to create, let's say, some blaster, going into the game in the morning, you will find a ready-made product. Moreover, this blaster can “shout”, and instead of ordinary weapons, we will receive a significantly enhanced. If you want – use for yourself, if you want – sell an auction with a good profit.

An unshaven man with a blaster accompanied by Vuki on Tatuin-somewhere we already saw it.

One on Tatuin is not a warrior

E3 shows many interesting quests, but the most entertaining – definitely, mission on Tatuin. Firstly, they showed companions in the case. In addition to the fact that they discuss your actions and decisions (the latter, by the way, depends on their attitude to the player), Ai-comradely helps in battle well. Their main function is to replace the member of the group, without which the player is most difficult. For example, for a long-range fighter, such as the Sith-INCKITER, the companion will take the role of the tank and take over the part of the enemy fire. Its abilities are configured through special equipment sets. If you activate invisibility, it is also used by AI. Since partners are a very important part of the gameplay, we can control their pumping and used uniforms.

Secondly, we finally saw vehicles. It turned out that in Star Wars: The Old Republic they are not objects, but the ability. Naturally, the game has many different means of transportation, which differ significantly both in terms of rarity and in cost. The appeal of the "Mount" occurs directly from the air – not the most logical, but the necessary convention.

Some outfits are very exotic.

Of course, this is not all that was shown at the ex exhibition E3. The press began to be acquainted with content for high -level characters. In the eaternity vault raid zone, players will have to prevent the spread of an ancient threat on the planet Belsavis. A special scenario instance was also presented on the famous Alderaan, dedicated to the liberation of the people from the power of the newly -minted dictator. Fans of the Universe learned a lot about classes and subclasses – their abilities, equipment and companions.

I would like to say that the digital version of the game will be available through the digital distribution service Origin , which in its functionality resembles Steam. Although the box version, of course, no one has canceled either. Well, we will wait for Electronic Arts will finally call the final date for the release of the game. And let the power come with us!