We analyze the laureates of the Oscars -2020. All about nominees and winners of the ceremony

92 Oscar award ceremony took place, which means it's time to argue violently due to the results. Moreover, the confrontation this year really turned out to be intense. A lot of so -called spectator films fought for the figurines – those that received not only high marks from a dozen critics, but also decent fees in the box office. This is partly the result of the new policy of the film academy, which is trying to increase the ratings of the ceremony, and therefore nominates more and more sensational ones or, excuse me, high -hand films. But this time at least there were without Marvel in the main categories.

So, let's start with the nomination that has been unattainable for Russian filmmakers for the third year – “The Best Film Foreign Language” or, as it is called this year, “The Best Foreign Film”. It is here, as a rule, films are presented, about which no one except academicians heard.

For example, the Macedonian documentary "" The country of honey »On the fate of a cute beekeeper and the plight of the former Yugoslav Republic. Or Polish near religious drama " The body of Christ ". Or French socialite " Outcasts ", Which, contrary to the name, has almost nothing to do with the novel by Victor Hugo.

However, there were a couple of truly noticeable paintings. The first – " Pain and glory ", The last work of the famous Spanish director Pedro Almodovara. Well, the second – sensational " Parasites ". By the way, the first Korean film that received a nomination for Oscar. He took the figurine.

Intrigued and a duel for the title of the best cartoon, because predicting the results was not easy. The Disney-Pixar alliance dominated in the nomination for six years in a row, until last year he was supplanted " Spider-Man: through the universes ". It was supposed to restore the violated honor " The story of toys 4 ", Especially since the previous part also received a figurine. " How to tame a dragon 3 "Nobody considered a competitor as a competitor. A " Lost link »Nominated, it seems, only so that Laika studios was not so offensive for the cash register.

But Netflix really posed a threat. Stream Gigant had through and through the author's French cartoon " I lost my body ", And chita" Klaus "Who just received BAFTA. However, the "mouse house" did not lose – Bazz and Woody added another gold figurine to the collection.

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And Disney occupied the nomination for the best visual effects. The latter also fought for the figurine " Star wars ", And " King Leo ", And " Avengers: final ". But the rivals were also decent.

As you know, more vivid film academics are appreciated by ingenuity and realism. It was on this that they emphasized " Irishman "With his truly breakthrough digital rejuvenation and" 1917 »With a reliable image of the First World War. And the efforts of the creators of the military drama of academics appreciated above – the prize left the team of Sam Mendes.

However, the real favorite of 1917 was in a different category – operator. What Maestro Roger Dikins carried out can really repeat only a few. To create the illusion of continuous shooting, he carefully calculated the routes of the movement of actors and cameras, prescribed all the transitions with an accuracy of a second and took off the doubles for eight minutes. And all this is among large -scale scenery in the open air.

However, it cannot be said that Dikins did not have competitors. The same " Joker »Already boasts a few personnel, which in the future will surely quote repeatedly. The Irishman and "look great Once in … Hollywood ". Well, in the end, the operator nomination became the only one in which the beautiful "was noted" Lighthouse »Robert Eggers. But still the victory predictably went to Roger Dikins. For the industry veteran, this is the second "Oscar".

But why “1917” was in the nomination “Best Original Script” – a big riddle. Of course, the fact that Sam Mendes filmed the stories of his own grandfather, who passed the First World War, worthy of respect, but hardly a golden figurine.

Prescribing nominations of piercing " Marriage story "Noah Baumbaka and postmodern detective" Get knives "Ryana Johnson. But the real battle unfolded between the West and the East. Or rather, between Quentin Tarantino and Pont Jun-Ho. In any other year, the first would win without difficulty, but not when the favorite of the Cannes Film Festival broke into the nomination. He broke through and won.

In adapted scenarios, too, everything was not so predictable. On the one hand, Taik Waititi with his daring anti -war satire " Jojo rabbit ", On the other -" Joker ", with the third – the monumental" Irish ". But there is still " Two dads ", Entirely built on dialogs, and" Little women " – the author’s view of Greta Gervig, creator" Lady Bird ", For a classic American novel.

In front of the academicians, there was really a difficult choice. But they nevertheless risked to present a golden statuette of the story of a little boy who is trying to distinguish evil from good in Germany of the forties. Taika Waitita took his first Oscar home.

Let's move on to acting nominations and start with the best second -plan actress. Academics decided to attract the attention of a wide audience again, and therefore several popular stars claimed to be at Oscar. For the first time in the entire career, Scarlett Johansson was nominated, moreover, twice at once, but in this category for Rabbit Jojo. Margo Robbie received the second nomination, but not for “one day in … Hollywood”, but for the actual drama ” Scandal »About harassment on the Fox News channel. And I drink young Florence, which could be seen in " Solstice "Ari Aster, nominated for" little women ".

However, the most chances were still with the older ladies-Laura Dorn and Katie Bates. The first brilliantly played in the “marriage history”, and through the second academicians noted the last work of Clint Eastwood ” The case of Richard Juella ". As a result, Oscar, following the award of the British film Academy, went to Lore Dern.

The main female nomination was also not without Scarlett Johansson – of course, for the "marriage history". The Oscar -winning Charlize Theron, who played the main role in the “scandal”, and Sirsha Ronan from “Little Women” opposed it, opposed it. True, few believed in her victory. Just as few seriously considered the candidacy of Cynthia Erivo – among journalists there was an opinion that the historical drama " Harriet »Academics nominated in order to avoid another scandal due to racial discrimination.

The figurine was prophesied by Rene Zelweger for the role of Judy Garland – a Hollywood icon with a difficult fate. And prophesied correctly – for " Judy »The actress received her second figurine. The first she went to her in 2004 for her role in the picture " Cold mountain ".

Extremely Star this year, the nomination "Best Actor of the Secondary" was obtained. Some legends competed in it – Tom Hanks, Anthony Hopkins, Joe Pesha, Al Pacino and Brad Pitt. Moreover, at least one acting Oscar in a piggy bank for each … except Pitt. Therefore, everyone waited for the Academy to revenge this turmoil.

Fortunately, it happened. In his gratitude speech, the actor was the first to thank Quentin Tarantino, and also noted the hard work of the stunts – both in his picture and in the industry in general. But the prize still devoted to the children.

The main acting nomination turned out to be no less saturated. Leonardo DiCaprio fought for his second figurine. “Once in … Hollywood, he allowed the actor to open up in the role unusual for him, so the chances of victory were great. The second consecutive was the nomination was received by Adam Driver, who made up a wonderful duet with Scarlett Johansson in the "Marriage History". The famous British Jonathan Price and Antonio Banderas first claimed for Oscar. The first played the current Pope, and the second – in fact, Almodovar himself in his painting "Pain and Glory".

But most put, of course, on Joaquin Phoenix. If the Academy recognized the Joker, it would be foolish not to reward the person thanks to whom this film was in principle a success. And the bet played. Phoenix received his first Oscar and again noted by a penetrating speech, which this time with tears in his eyes ended with a quote by his late brother River.

Before moving on to two main nominations, let's go through technical and musical, as well as briefly talk about the ceremony itself.

" Ford against Ferrari "Took the figurines for the installation and installation of sound, but the" Oscar "for the reduction of the sound went" 1917 ". “Scandal” was noted in the category “Best makeup and hairstyles”, “Little Women” received a prize for the best costumes, and “Once in … Hollywood” for the scenery.

The best soundtrack was recognized by music from Joker for authorship Hildur Goodnadottir. Young Icelander even went around the maestro John Williams. But the Oscar for the best song was handed to Sir Elton John. This is his first figurine since the original "King of the Leo".

The best documentary was " American factory "Dedicated to the joint work of American and Chinese workers. It is noteworthy that this picture was produced by Barack Obama. The best documentary short film was working with a long name " Learn to ride a skateboard in the fighting zone (if you are a girl) ", The best gaming short film -" " The window is opposite ", And the best animation -" " Love for hair ".

As for the awarding ceremony, it came out rather fresh. This time the central topic was assigned the absence of women in the directing nomination. Of course, they joked about this, but as if constantly apologizing. What gave an excess reason to think about how much the organizers of the Oscar are not in the wretches, in fact, with a movie academy. Otherwise, such behavior, you see, would look strange. They themselves did not nominate anyone, received a thrashing in social networks, and then laughed at the same-somehow illogical.

Otherwise, the four-hour ceremony did without any vivid moments. You can only recall the brilliant output of Rebel Wilson and James Corden in their images from the musical " Cats ". If you recall how many nominations for the Golden Raspberry he collected, then this act of stars turns into an act of desperate self -irony.

So, we go to the second main “Oscar” – the director. The almost Shakespearean scene unfolded in this nomination – a teacher against a student. Todd Phillips in Joker paid tribute to the early works of Scorsese, and in the end collided with him in the struggle for a golden figurine.

They were also joined by Quentin Tarantino, who had never been called the best director, Korean Pon Jun-Ho and Briton Sam Mendes, who offered Roger Dikins to remove 1917 as if with one frame. But in the end, the author of the "parasites" bypassed everyone again. During the speech, he barely coped with emotions, thanks to the inspiration of Martin Scorsese and all his colleagues in the nomination.

And finally, "Best Film". Perhaps in recent years this main nomination has turned out to be the most unpredictable. All films are loud, many are very provocative, and there is not a single agenda that could calmly put the figurine, citing relevance.

"Irish" Martin Scorsese is an epic criminal saga with an amazing composition. But from Netflix, that many academics are not like. "Marriage History" – purely acting cinema about ordinary people in a tense situation. But also from Netflix.

“Parasites” – an original mix of comedy and thriller with an excellent script and brilliant directing. But on Korean, and foreign films in the main nomination are not in honor. Ford vs Ferrari is a simple, understandable and very American film, also very beloved by the audience. But his absence in other main nominations almost guaranteed the defeat.

The audience loves the "Joker", but he raised a big buch in the press, and besides, this film is supposedly in comics. “Once in … Hollywood” everyone is good, but the bloody finale with rewriting the story could scare away academics. And in the "Jojo Rabbit", Taika Waititi runs in Hitler's costume and communicates with a little boy.

“1917” is an excellent military thriller, but whether it is stronger than other nominees? And yet there are “little women”-a costume drama from a woman-director. As you can see, almost all nominated paintings had their own weaknesses and strengths in the struggle for Oscar.

However, to the final of the ceremony to predict the result became easier. Despite the long -standing prejudices in relation to foreign films, “Parasites” confidently collected a figurine behind a figurine, bypassing mainstream hits, and ultimately became the first picture in a foreign language to take the main “Oscar”. This is really a breakthrough, and at least because of it 92 the ceremony will go down in history.

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